Order of service
Wiggle and stretch as needed!
Prelude - "Bound by a Thread," Ms. Gaelynn Lea*
Chalice Lighting - Mr. Logan Donahoo
Welcome & Call to Worship - Rev. Joe Cherry
Reading - "What Makes a Minister," Dr. Jan Droegkamp
Interlude - "Rainbow Connection," arr. Mr. Aubrey Connelly*
Reading - Mr. Logan Donahoo
Anthem - "Change the World!," Erik Whitehill,
perf. Tri-County Unitarian Universalists Choir
Sermon - Rev. Janet Onnie
Act of Ordination
- Rev. Janet Onnie, Ms. Mary Dipboye, and Ms. Marjorie Rhem
Offering** - Rev. Tracie Barrett
Offering Music - "Prayer of St. Francis," arr. Eclectic Music Collective*
Charge to the Minister - Rev. Christine Dance
Charge to the People - Rev. Sam Schaal
Blessing and Presentation of Stoles - Rev. William Daywalt
Laying of Hands - Rev. Kathy Schmitz
Right Hand of Collegiality - Rev. Kathy Schmitz
Chalice Extinguishing - Mr. Logan Donahoo
Benediction - Rev. Joseph Donatone
Postlude - "Image of Love," Rev. Matthew David Morris*
*used with permission
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